Monday, January 16, 2012


Well hello there, old friends!! I feel like I owe enormous explanations and perhaps even an apology or two to anyone who has ever been kind enough to say, "I read your blog" or "reading your blog helps me keep up with your life." I have failed you all in that arena over the past 3 months {has it really been that long?!}. But, in my defense, although I have not done a good job of documenting my life these past few months, I have been doing a swell job of LIVING my life these past few months. And that is a fact that makes me very happy. It overwhelms me {and I promise it would overwhelm you} to think of sharing all the details here and now {I mean goodness, we're just getting reacquainted!!}.. so I'll take it nice and slow. I have introductions to make and stories to tell and LOTS of pictures to share.

But as always, first things first... and you all must meet my Rue.


A friend from work sent out a message one night in October about a kitten who needed a home. I had considered adopting a kitten but had been discouraged by 1. those who told me it was just the first step toward becoming a "cat lady" and 2. the fear that I wasn't ready to be responsible for another life. But nevertheless, I sent back a message {half joking} asking if I could take the kitten home for a "trial run" and I was rewarded with an immediate response: "I'll bring her by tomorrow."

To make a long story short, 3 months later Rue is still here {curled up next to me actually} and I can not imagine life or this apartment without her. She is sweet and feisty and playful and loyal and I love her. She walks around in her own little world and talks constantly to anyone who will listen {sound familiar??}. She has been a gift and a blessing to me. I regularly find myself sitting on my couch watching her antics with a smile on my face and laughter ringing through my home. Whenever I catch myself laughing aloud, I think back to a year ago and how this little apartment was quiet and quite sad and I am thankful. But I am not just thankful for a sweet calico kitten... I am thankful for a God who knows me and who not only promises to never leave or forsake me, but promises to bless me abundantly.

"Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence."
Psalm 21:6

"'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.
Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven
and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.'"
Malachi 3:10

One of those blessings has been Rue herself, but she has brought countless others simply by being in my life and by my side every day. She is a little darling and she instantly wins over everyone she meets {cat lover or not}. If you haven't gotten to meet her yet, feel free to stop by for a play date soon! We would both love that!!

Hopefully and joyfully,

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